Gallery-Seva Project

                   SEVA PROJECT-                       TOUCHING THE LIFES OF NUMEROUS:

What is Seva?

Seva is a part of the yogic lifestyle.Whether it's volunteering at a soup kitchen or uplifting someone with a smile,when you give with the love of your,that is Seva.

Chinmaya beginned as a crusade for spreading the message of the ancient spiritual Hinduism.Then it branched out into various activities of selfless service.A part of this was the Seva Project.

Our Vidyalaya too takes the students to different places for doing Seva Project.Last time the school authorities took students of 9th and +1 to Palakkad,to provide food items for the tribals who live there.It was a complete different experience for the students.We made the students do this not only for helping the tribals but also for developing the virtue of service in them.

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