Teachers Corner


                  I am indeed fortunate and glad to pen something for this blog-"A blog with a difference."I am lucky to have been chosen as one of the few teachers to contribute something to this blog.I do not intend to write any essays or stories to bore the readers.In search of topics to write about I finally decided to write about nothing else but this blog.I was met with a new unique and a special experience when I surfed through this blog why because this blog deals with social issues.I have never come across any blogs which have taken up the social issue to discuss about.An eye opener towards the negligence to the society and thats why I stress that this is "A blog with a difference."I was mesmerized to see the write ups of talented students of Chinmaya Vidyalaya.I could visualize sparks of intelligence in the budding artists,painters,writers,poets,etc.,through the various articles of the blog.Special congratulations to the maker of this blog who has been immensely successful in giving a clear picture of the school,its students,authority and their creativities.The success of this blog lies in this fact that it is capable of providing a complete idea about the school to all.I do not want to lengthen anymore and just bading a bye wishing the blog,its maker and the school a bright future.Let this blog shine on to be different and unique.
           Higher Secondary                
        How students can write and  speak good English:

Students can speak good English by various books about grammar, literature etc.
They also must know all the meaningful words in English. Students must always keep a keen interest in learning new words and must use it while speaking. In order to speak good English the students must avoid their mother-tongue at home and try speaking English to their parents this itself helps the students to improve their pronunciation and their accent. While writing English students must use punctuation marks so that the sentences seem attractive. We can find a sea of information on lot of websites available these days and you can depend on these sites. Lot of gadgets available these days to get quick access of digital version of dictionaries and books . Writing is an art and you need imagination and strong vocabulary. You can see your vocabulary as a treasure and it is your strength and your idea is to flow through words and paragraphs which should be brief and precise and express your ideas and concepts.

Thank You 

                                                      Higher Secondary

           Experience  Of  Professor :
                                                           I had been a full  fledged  Maths  Professor  when  I stepped into  the  premises  of  Chinmaya  Vidyalaya. I was called  by the  then  Principal  of  the  institution  Mrs.Meenakshi  Nambiar  to  join  here  as a  mathematics  teacher .It  was the year  when the  higher  secondary  section  started  in Chinmaya and  since  then , thirteen  years of commitment  to this institution  has  taken  me  to  a  new world. I had stepped out of  Zamorins  Guruvayurappan  College  after  a service  of thirty  years  and  now my  world  is  limited  to  this  privileged institution. I  derive  immense  pleasure  in  teaching  these children  who  have  just  completed  their  10th STD. The initial batches, I now recall, were excellent.
                                                My  reminiscences  as  an academician start  when I  was barely twenty five years old. The students I had  taught  then  in  my  college  are now the parents of my present students. Even though these long years have turned  my  hair grey, I’m  still  young  at heart because  of the positive energy I derive from my dear students. I have not experienced the generation gap which people often talk and of course that mainly rests on my till date inspiration for teaching. As a teacher, I’m very serious and leave no stone unturned. I have always tried to bring out the best in my pupils. My students, to be frank, have always got a better place in my heart. I have utmost pride and pleasure when I see my dear students adoring high position in society and of such occasions, words fail to account my real feelings.

                              I have always tried to be patient with my students while teaching but they must have also witnessed occasioned outbursts from my side. But even then I enjoy teaching and my continuous years of service is in fact a blessing in disguise. My only wealth is the smiling faces I confront wherever I go. My wife has often told me to stop teaching to take rest, but I cannot restrain myself from teaching. I’m like Ulysses in Alfred Tennyson’s poem who is always thirsty for adventure and if may set it right,
       “To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.”

                                                               Prof. Muralidharan
                                                                Higher Secondary


  Don’t  Make  Exams  The  Be  All And  End  All  Of  Life :

                        The  rat  race  that  is  our  educational  system  is  failing  badly  in  life’s  most  important  subject – accepting  triumph  and  defeat  in  the  same  stride. Copying  with life, facing  triumph  and  defeat  with  equality, should  be  the  main  subject  imparted  through  the educational  system. Treat  both  triumph  and  defeat  alike, never  give  more  priority  to  one. Consider  failure  as  an  adversary  of  life  and  fight  against  it  by  taking  all  your  efforts. How  to accept  triumph  but  not  lose  one’s  head  and  how  to  deal  with  defeat, taking  it  as  a  minor  setback  and   moving  on, should  be  the  certificate  they  come  out  with. Exam  should  be  considered  as  a  part  of  life, nothing  special , a few  hurdles  that  have  to  be  overcome. Therefore  don’t  make  exams  the  be  all  and  end  all  of  life  as  they  are  just  one  aspect  of  your  life  as  a student.

                                                  Higher Secondary

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