The Motto and Aims and Objective

"As you travel on life's way
                                 With its many ups and downs        
                                 Remember its quite true to say,
                  One smile is worth a dozen frowns"


Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda blessed the Chinmaya Vidyalaya with the motto "KEEP SMILING",
inner equipoise expresses as a smile outside.The Chinmaya Vidyalaya prepares children with an inner equipoise to enable them to face life with a smile.The Chinmaya Family greets everyone with a      "Hari om" coupled with a namaste and a smile,devoting
humility,respect,love and joy in meeting others.

Mission Motto:      To give the Maximum Happiness
                                    to the Maximum number for
                                          the Maximum Period.

Mission Pledge:

To offer children a value-based and hoslistic education which paves the way for the Integrated Development of the physical,mental,intellectual and spiritual aspects of the personality,enriched by knowledge of Indian Culture,a feeling of Patriotism and a Universal Outlook.

To mould children into young men and women of moral strength who can face the challenges of modern life with a smile and make a difference in the world by their positive contribution.

To give a practical and judicious combination of academic excellence,extracurricular pursuits,character building and personality development.

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